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The Stockholm County Association for Crisis Preparedness (SLFK)

The Facts

Founded in 1941.

SLFK is an independent regional voluntary defense association (NGO) of members of several of the 26 municipalities that make up the County of Stockholm.

Permanent members are the Stockholm County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen): the Swedish Armed Forces (Försvarmakten); the Police Authority (Polismyndigheten), and Region Stockholm (County council). Private individuals may apply for membership and be admitted following a decision by the Federation Council.

The thrust of the Association is to act as a platform to foster dialogue and discussion about regional crisis preparedness. Another objective is further to develop civil defense capability and capacity such as:

- protecting civilians

- safeguarding the most important societal functions

- maintaining necessary supplies and resources

- contributing to the capability of military defense in the event of an armed attack
or war in our neighborhood

- maintaining society’s resilience to external pressure and preserving 
the will to defend the country

- working to enhance society’s ability to prevent and manage major peacetime emergencies

Three keywords sum up the objectives of the Association: networking, cooperation, and meeting venue in the field of regional crisis preparedness. Please check the diagram below:


Governing Council

Link: HERE


- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Governing Council
- Presidium and Working Group
- Election Committee
- Medal Committee
- Office: 
rottning Victorias Örlogshem, Teatergatan 3, 2nd floor 11148 Stockholm SWEDEN 


Grants from independent foundations and membership fees fund the Association.

Our activities

- Seminars IRL and via Zoom

- Annual regional conference

- Annual general meeting

- Publishing

- Dissemination of newsletters

- Sharing of items on social media
(Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube)

- Awarding of medals for personal achievements in the field of crisis preparedness

- Study visits by our members to destinations in Sweden and abroad

                         For further information please send an e-mail to kansliet@slfk.se

Stockholms länsförbund för krisberedskap, SLFK • Teatergatan 3, plan 2, 111 48 STOCKHOLM • kansliet@slfk.se • 072-188 50 00
Provided by Webforum